Nice to meet you / online predstavenia pre jedného diváka (25.2. - 12.3. 2021)


Online participatívne predstavenie pre jedného diváka / diváčku a jednu performerku realizované na Zoome. Je ďalším príspevkom k hľadaniu nových formátov divadla pre online priestor, vypĺňaním prázdna, ktoré ostalo v nás aj v divadelných sálach. Autentické stretnutie s performermi, ktorí sú ďaleko, ale chcú byť blízko. Pripomienka večerných stretnutí a spontánnych rozhovorov. Účinkuje vždy jedna z dvoch performeriek: Ine Ubben z Holandska alebo Clara Cortes zo Španielska. 


Stretnutie dvoch neznámych ľudí, po prvý krát, online. Sú každý u seba doma. Odhalia pre seba kúsok súkromia cez priestor, v ktorom sú a predmety, ktoré bývajú s nimi. Ostatné ostáva tajomstvom, stretnutie vyprchá v online priestore, je na vás, čo ostane. Je to pozvánka k hľadaniu poézie v maličkostiach. Je to oslava našej každodennosti.    


Clara: “Keď som žila v Holandsku, vždy keď som prechádzala popri otvorených oknách, bola som zvedavá a nazerala som dnu. Zaujímalo ma, čo ľudia vo vnútri robia. Ako majú uložený nábytok, či majú mačku, či majú doma neporiadok. A takto predstavovala najrôznejšie príbehy...” 


Ine: “Podľa mňa váš domov trošku odhaľuje kým ste. Aj to, aké máte predmety a aký je váš vzťah k nim. To, čo je viditeľné na prvý pohľad a to ostatné ešte viac. Napríklad niektorí ľudia majú veci dokonale uložené, ale nikdy nevedia nájsť čo hľadajú, zatiaľ čo iní sú obklopení totálnym neporiadkom, pritom však presne vedia, kde čo je.”  

Každé uvedenie je len pre jedného diváka, svoje miesto si prosím rezervujete prostredníctvom rezervačného formulára:


Predstavenia budú prebiehať v angličtine, počas troch týždňov, v piatky a jeden štvrtok takto:

Štvrtok 25.2.: 19:00, 20:30, 22:00 

Piatok 26.2.: 19:00, 20:30

Piatok: 5.3.: 19:00, 20:30

Piatok 12.3.: 19:00, 20:30, 22:00

Podporiť nás môžete dobrovoľným vstupným na priloženom linku, ďakujeme!


O autorkách: 

Ine Ubben je performerka, pôsobiaca v oblasti participatívneho a objektového divadla a dramaturgie. Je absolventkou medzinárodného program Directing of devised and object theatre na pražskej DAMU ale aj magisterského štúdia klinickej psychológie. 


Clara Cortes  je interdisciplinárna umelkyňa zo Španielska. Vyštudovala vytvarné umenie a potom cirkus a performance, účinkuje v predstaveniach novéo cirkusu a jej vlastná tvorba kombinuje text, pohyb a hudbu.     


Kontaktná osoba: Bashka Jombíková,

Uvedenie predstavenia z verejných zdrojov podporil Fond na podporu umenia. 



In NICE TO MEET YOU, two strangers meet each other for the first time, online. Each from their own home. They reveal a private part of their life through the space that they are in and the objects that live with them. Another part remains a secret. The performer invite you to search for the poetry in the little things. It’s a celebration of our everydayness!


Clara: ‘When I was living in the Netherlands, and walking on the street I saw the big open windows. I was curious and I looked inside. I wondered what the people were doing. And how was the furniture? Would they have a cat? Was their house messy? Afterwards, I could imagine endless stories. ’


Ine: ‘For me a home reveals a part of who someone is. The objects you surround yourself with, how you and your objects relate. But often there is more to it than you would notice at first sight. For example, the way you arrange things: some people seem to be so organised, but they can never find what they are searching for, and others seem to be surrounded by piles of stuff randomly thrown down but they can be the ones who know exactly where what is. 


NICE TO MEET YOU is a one-on-one devised theatre performance in the format of a 30 minute video call. Entry is voluntary, you will find the option in the link attached to this event. 

To take part, please fill out this form to book your spot:


About the artsists:

Ine Ubben: is a performance artist working in the field of devising, participatory theatre, objects. She also works as a dramaturgical partner and thinking companion. Ine graduated in 2020 as MA Directing of Devised and Object Theatre from the Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre (KALD DAMU) at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. In 2014 Ine received her BA Theatre and Education at Fontys Art Academy in Tilburg, The Netherlands. Ine is also a MA clinical psychologist. 


Clara Cortes : In 2013 Clara graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona. She received a grant from Fundación CIEC (International Center for Contemporary Printing) of Betanzos (Galicia) to complete a module of the Master in Graphic Work. In 2013 she took part in the theater and circus production En Route, directed by Ine Ubben. In June 2018 she graduated from the Academy for Circus and Performance Art (Tilburg, The Netherlands). In February 2017, together with the dancer Martina Gunkel, they created the company Efecto R and the performance It is there. Around the corner, which premiered in October 2018 at the Circolo Festival (NL). She has worked with the company Panama Pictures on the site-specific performance Urban Fiction (2018) and on the piece After Midnight (2019), part of Road to Panama 2019. Now she is working together with the actress Gemma Sastre on the piece És el moment, and with Moritz Grenz in the contemporary circus performance Hedonia.

She is interested in interdisciplinary work. In her creations she combines text and movement. Currently she is working on her first hip-hop album for the performance HEDONIA.


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