UNTERGRUNDLOS - Bez pôdy pod nohami / performatívna prednáška a diskusia ONLINE


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Performatívna prednáška o 18:00 a diskusia o 20:30

V performatívnej prednáške reflektujú Bárbara Galego a Felipe dos Santos svoje skúsenosti brazílskych umelcov žijúcich v Nemecku. Odrážajúc sa od svojho posledného predstavenia BODENLOS otvárajú otázky koreňov, jazyka, teritoriality, koloniálnej histórie a performativity. Aké to vlastne je, hrať v cudzom jazyku? Čo to znamená?

Po predstavení bude nasledovať diskusia prostredníctvom aplikácie zoom, počas ktorej sa okrem iného budú účinkujúci umelci zamýšľať nad svojím predstavením prezentovaným slovenskému divákovi s anglickými titulkami. Koľko významových rovín môže mať takéto predstavenie?

Diskusia bude pozostávať z dvoch ćastí; v prvej interaktívnej časti budú úcastníci pozvaní vytvoriť si mapu a aktívne uvažovať nad svojou skúsenosťou a druhou, v ktorej bude priestor na otázky, postrehy a voľný rozhovor.

Ak sa chcete zúčastniť na diskusii, registrujte sa prosím tu:


Tento večer je súčasťou série podujatí My culure, your culture, our culture na tému multikulturalizmu organizovaných našou dobrovoľníčkou Lunou Mafo. Podujatia budú v angličtine, respektíve s anglickými titulkami.  

Čo to znamená byť z určitého miesta? Čím sme „odtiaľto“ a nie „odtiaľ“? čo vlastne znamená tu? Je to miesto? Tradícia? Jazyk? Pamäť? Čo sa stane, ak sa „tu“ zmení na „tam“? V sérii podujatí budeme skúmať koncept hraníc a teritoriality a čo to znamená žiť v globalizovanom multikultúrnom svete; všetko z perspektívy Brazílčanky, ktorá práve prišla na Slovensko. 

Podporiť nás môžete dobrovoľným vstupným. 


Full description in English

UNTERGRUNDLOS / lecture-performance 

In this lecture-performance, Brazilian artists Bárbara Galego and Felipe dos Santos reflect on their experiences as Brazilian artists working on German territory. Taking a previous performance called BODENLOS as a starting point, the two bring up questions about roots, language, territoriality, colonial history, and performativity, gender. At the end of the day, what does it mean to perform in a language that is not your own?

In this piece, the artists enter a fractal of artistic and academic memories while rediscovering their work materials: Ana Mendieta who refers to the myth of La Venus Negra, Davi Kopenawa who refers to his ancestors, and the earth which refers to … 

Bárbara Galego is a performer, actress, and arts educator. Currently, she works on cultural projects with people with special needs in Marburg, Germany, and also develops performances and theater projects on her own. Some of her previous work includes BODENLOS, MEDEAS voces голосa sesleri vozes קולות, Trigger and Lágrimas de um Orgasmo Sincero ou uma Luz no fim do Cu. She is the co-founder of the theatre company Coletivo 3*OLHO.

Felipe dos Santos is a theatre director, light designer, and performer. His interests are nowadays strategies of decolonization, dialectics of remembering and forgetting, diasporic memory, the ethical transmission of trauma such as in cases of genocide, and the affective and epistemic relationship with non-human beings such as trees, stones, water, and cats. Some of his works include BODENLOS, The Opera of Vanishment, SCRIPTA POSTERIS, and, The Dementia of the Bulls.

UNTERGRUNDLOS /  discussion

If in lecture-performers the Brazilian performers reflect upon their experiences as foreigners on German soil, during this discussion they will open this question to members of the audience: what does being from a certain place mean to them? When and how is this sense of belonging somewhere put to a challenge? 

The discussion will be composed of 2 sections: a first (interactive) part, where audience members will be invited to construct a map and reflect upon this experience; and a second part, in which all participants will be given a space to ask questions and share their thoughts. 

For the first part of the discussion, participants will be asked to make use of a world generator application online and to engage in some activities with the artists. Prior to the discussion, these participants will receive instructions on how to make use of the application and will be given further information regarding the activity. There is a limited amount of 10 spots for this section of the conversation. 

The second part of the discussion will be open to all and is meant to be a free-flowing conversation between the artists and the audience members. Participants may choose to speak directly to the artists or send questions via the chatbox. 

The entire discussion will be held on zoom and interested members must sign up to be able to participate. When signing up you may specify whether you would like to be part of the first section of the conversation or not. 

Don’t be afraid to sign up for the first part of the discussion! It won’t be anything too complicated. 

Please support us with voluntary admission.


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