Cara do Mundo - Tvárou sveta / premietanie dokumentu a diskusia ONLINE


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Premietanie dokumentu o 18:00 a diskusia o 19:30

Brazílsky dokument, ktorý sleduje mladú partiu objavujúcu svet vo svojom meste São Paolo. S kamerou v rukách a s úlohou objavovať život rôznych komunít, žijúcich v rovnakom meste ako oni, začínajú chápať, že „vonkajší“ svet nie je taký vzdialený od ich domova. 

19:30 budeme pokračovať diskusiou v angličtine

Po premietaní filmu sa porozprávame s jeho tvorcami. Spolu s režisérom a producentom Raphaelom Erichsenom a mladými dokumentaristami budeme hovoriť o príprave filmu a jeho dopade na všetkých, ktorí sa na ňom podieľali. 

Diskusiu môžete sledovať streamovanú na staničnom facebooku. Ak by ste mali chuť sa do nej aktívne zapojiť, registrujte sa prosím tu: 

Tento večer je súčasťou série podujatí My culure, your culture, our culture na tému multikulturalizmu organizovaných našou dobrovoľníčkou Lunou Mafo. Podujatia budú v angličtine, respektíve s anglickými titulkami.  

Čo to znamená byť z určitého miesta? Čím sme „odtiaľto“ a nie „odtiaľ“? čo vlastne znamená tu? Je to miesto? Tradícia? Jazyk? Pamäť? Čo sa stane, ak sa „tu“ zmení na „tam“? V sérii podujatí budeme skúmať koncept hraníc a teritoriality a čo to znamená žiť v globalizovanom multikultúrnom svete; všetko z perspektívy Brazílčanky, ktorá práve prišla na Slovensko. 

Podujatie môžete podporiť dobrovoľným vstupným.


Full description in English


Cara do Mundo is a Brazilian documentary that follows a group of youngsters as they discover the world within their own city, São Paulo. They would like to travel the world but, due to their financial situation, they know that is a distant dream. So, they decide to go for the alternative, to get to know the world by visiting all the different communities that inhabit their own city. From Syria to Haiti, Bolivia to Senegal, and much more, the young documentarist will slowly learn more about the different cultures around the world and, with that, also learn a little bit more about themselves. 

In total there are 8 young people who, under the guidance of director and producer Raphael Erichsen, will become the documentarists of the film. They are all part of an organization called Énois, which makes use of informal education in journalism to empower the youth from the outskirts of São Paulo. 

The documentary is in Portuguese with English subtitles. It is part of the series my culture, your culture, our culture, which deals with topics of territoriality, multiculturalism, and globalization. 

The documentary will be streamed on Stanica’s Facebook page and on YouTube. It is suited for anyone who is interested in discovering different cultures and/or is interested in the use of informal education as means of social change. 

7:30 pm discussion in English

This discussion is the continuation of the event Cara do Mundo / Face the World. Together with the director and producer Raphael Erichsen and a couple of the young people that made the documentary Cara do Mundo possible, we will dive into the making of the film and the impact it had on the lives of those who were part of it. 

The documentary was released in 2017, since then a lot has changed. How do those who took part in the making of the documentary look back at it? How did this experience influence their lives? What are they doing now? How has the discourse regarding migration changed since the making of the film (if changed at all)? 

Raphael Erichsen, director and producer of the film,  is an award-winner documentary filmmaker and the author of films such as ‘Illegal: life won’t wait’ and ‘Superstonic Sound’. He is also the founder of and Kinorama and co-founder of Campanha Repense. His films tend to deal with topics related to current affairs, politics, lifestyle, and music. 

The discussion is expected to take around 1h30 and will be mediated by Luna Mafo, current volunteer at Stanica. The idea is to make this discussion an open space for dialogue between the director, the young makers, and the audience, who may ask questions throughout the conversation. 

If you would like to be an active member of the discussion, please register here: 

In case you would prefer to simply watch how the conversation plays out, you can do so via Stanica’s Facebook page, where the discussion will be streamed. 

Please support us with voluntary admission.


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