
Liptovský Mikuláš

Murcof je umelecké meno v Barcelone usadeného elektronického skladateľa a producenta Fernanda Coronu pochádzajúceho z Mexika, narodeného v roku 1970. Jeho tvorba je postavená na komplexnom komponovaní abstraktných, ambientných a mnohokrát glitchových elektronických nahrávok. Moderné technológie mu umožňujú vytvárať monumentálne a pohyblivé zvukové plochy s takmer spirituálnym nádychom.

Melodické a harmonické prvky vychádzajú z barokovej a súčasnej klasickej a avant-gardnej hudby, musique concrète, hudobnou postmoderny a minimalizmu. Rytmicky je Murcof inšpirovaný minimal technom, dubom, industriálnou elektronikou a IDM. V imerzívnom hudobnom zážitku, ktorý absorbuje poslucháča/čku, sa Murcof tematicky dotýka otázkam života, smrti a nekonečnosti.

Medzi rokmi 2002 a 2008 vydal päť sólových albumov vo vydavateľstve Leaf Label, ktoré sa považujú za klasiku v elektronickej hudbe. V roku 2009 skomponoval soundtrack  'La Sangre Illuminada' (2009) a kolaboroval s jazzovým trubkárom Erikom Truffazom (2008, 2014) či klasickou pianistkou Vanesou Wagner (2016). Jeho najnovším dielom je soundtrack ‚Lost in Time‘ (2018).

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Murcof is the artist name of Mexican electronic musician and composer Fernando Corona, born in 1970 in Tijuana, Mexico, and now resident in Barcelona, Spain. Brooding electronics and classical sound sources combine in his integrated sound world. There is a limitlessness to his music that absorbs the listener, touching on themes of life, death and eternity. Murcof is a very modern composer, who utilizes technology to make epic, moving suites of music with a spiritual undertow. He draws on minimalism, post modernism and baroque music to create music that moves the mind and heart. His work draws on his childhood exposure to pre-20th century classical music and his passion for electronic pioneers like Jean-Michel Jarre and Tangerine Dream as a teenager, as well as his experiments in noise with his pre-Murcof doom/avant garde outfit, Elohim.

Between 2002 and 2008 he released five solo albums on Leaf Label, each now considered classics in their field. Since then he has composed the soundtrack for 'La Sangre Illuminada' (2009), and explored various collaborations including one with jazz trumpeter Erik Truffaz (2008, 2014) and his current project with Vanessa Wagner. Murcof's international reputation as a staggering live presence has been enhanced with a number of special collaborations, including events at Greenwich Planetarium (in collaboration with the Royal Astronomer), Montreaux Jazz Festival (collaboration with Talvin Singh & Erik Truffaz) and L'Auditori at Sonar Festival in Barcelona (with the pianist Francesco Tristano). In 2008 he toured a new work called 'Oceano' in collaboration with classical musicians BCN216 and light sculptor Flicker, and has collaborated extensively with visual artist Simon Geilfus (AntiVJ).

"Mindblowing, like Sunn 0))) playing Ligeti in a galaxy far, far away. SUBLIME" Uncut.

Lost in Time:
Martes (2002):
Remembranza (2005):

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